In Illinois, when someone dies prematurely due to the negligence or intentional act of another person or entity, that’s referred to as a “wrongful death” and can lead to a lawsuit by the survivors for damages.
Most wrongful death cases can take two years or more of litigation from the start of the accident to a potential verdict. It could be longer depending on how many witnesses there are, how complicated the facts are, and the type of accident that caused the death. We seldom find early settlement offers from insurance companies to be adequate to compensate the plaintiffs for their loss and we’re always ready to go the distance.
If it’s a construction accident or the result of medical malpractice, it may take four years or more.
The insurance companies are in the business of maximizing profits for their shareholders, not compensating you to the full extent of what you deserve. That’s why it’s important to have an experienced wrongful death lawyer on your side to make sure you get everything that you’re entitled to.
Q: How often do wrongful death cases go to trial? In Illinois, the majority of cases settle, including wrongful death cases. But with these types of cases, you’re talking about catastrophic damages so there are cases that are not easily settled, and a good wrongful death lawyer will put the time and effort into to get their full value to compensate these families, even if it takes going the distance to tell your story to a jury.