Q: What do I do if the insurance company wants to record a statement from me?
I would never have any statement recorded without speaking with a lawyer. If you give the insurance company a statement, they’re always going to have that to potentially look for inconsistencies and impeach later testimony.
If you say something incorrectly or it is interpreted wrong, it’s very difficult to undo. Speak with a lawyer and have a lawyer present in the event any statement is taken, even if it is your own insurance company.
Q: What’s your first step when you find out that the person has already spoken to the insurance company?
When someone who has been injured in a car accident comes to us after having already talked to the other driver’s insurance company, we first try to piece together what the insurance company was told from our own client’s memory. Then, throughout the litigation, that’s a piece of evidence that would be discoverable, and we would have to be provided a copy.